Sheffield Tree Map is a community-built visualisation of Sheffield's urban tree population. The map aims to provide a detailed, non-political insight into the trees that contribute to the city's urban landscape.
About The Map
The Sheffield Tree Map website is an independent project and not endorsed by Sheffield City Council or Amey PLC.
The map focuses on trees in urban areas, rather than every tree within the city boundary, however significant rural trees will be included.
Trees are currently being added on a ward by ward basis, and members of the public can help contribute by notifying our team of any changes to their local tree population.
Sheffield Tree Map is still under development and as such may change without notice.
What will be mapped?
Publicly owned trees in Sheffield's urban areas including park and street trees. In woodland areas, only significant trees such as veteran trees will be individually mapped.
What isn't mapped?
Currently, there are no plans to map privately owned trees in general, only private trees of exceptional amenity, arboricultural, ecological or historical value. Trees in rural areas are generally excluded.
Where did the data come from?
The baseline tree data was collected via a Freedom of Information request to Sheffield City Council in April 2018. New trees will be added and mapped trees will be resurveyed periodically by trained volunteers from the local community.
The future
Tree data will be added for Sheffield parks, green space, schools and housing land.
Trees that are veteran, ancient, or have cultural or historical significance will be highlighted.
Our map data will be published in various charts to provide a breakdown of the city's tree population.
UPDATE - 2020
This project is currently on hold due to COVID and team members having little free for development
The Data
Crown Spread
The approximate diameter of the tree crown in meters
The diameter of the tree in centimetres measured at 1.5m above ground level.
The height of the tree approximated to the nearest metre.
Age Classification
New Planting - Recently planted trees that are still supported and watered.
Established - Trees ranging in age from semi-mature through to mature that have adapted to their surroundings and are contributing to the local visual landscape.
Veteran - Trees that are usually, but not necessarily old, which have developed physical/physiological characteristics associated with older trees.
Ancient - Trees having passed beyond maturity and are old, or aged, in comparison with other trees of the same species.
Outstanding Issues
Tree ward data is gradually being updated to reflect the current ward boundaries (post-May 2016).
Andy Greenwood
Project Lead
Sam McQueen
Technical Architect, Design, Development
Nick McQueen
Partnerships Development & Strategy
Email: info[at]
Twitter: @shefftreemap
Facebook: @sheffieldTreeMap